
Via Dolomiti 16B
39030 Sesto (BZ)

+39 349 7169126

Special exhibitions

Special Exhibition 2022„Miracle tree – sick forest“

Special Exhibition 2022

„Miracle tree – sick forest“

„Miracle tree – sick forest“ is the title of the special exhibition 2022, to which the Museum Rudolf Stolz invites in cooperation with the school association Pustertal. It is dedicated to the tree in art, the natural tree as well as the tree in all its symbolism. Children’s pictures and texts also remind of the importance of mountain forests as protection against avalanches and erosion.

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Special Exhibition 2017„Looking Back Ahead“

Special Exhibition 2017

„Looking Back Ahead“

Looking back and looking ahead gave rise to the idea of allowing children’s drawings, youthful works and mature works by well-known artists to enter into a dialogue with one another in the 2017 special exhibition. Albin Egger-Lienz and Alfons Walde, Wilfried Kirschl and Hans Ebensperger, Rudolf Stolz and Paul Flora are represented here, as are Jörg Hofer and Gotthard Bonell, Anneliese Pichler and Karin Welponer, Franz Kehrer and Lois Anvidalfarei.

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